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While you are logged in. Take a few minutes to update your profile. Add a new picture profile picture. Best size is 150×150 (it’s a square) Change your background (banner) image if you want to personalize your profile Edit your profile information and contact information Add your new designations (except CREI which is automatically added…
Logging in for the first time? Forgot your password? Don’t worry. It’s easy to reset your password now. 1. At the top right of the screen. Click on LOGIN 2. On the login screen, click on “Lost your password?” 3. Enter this email address or your username and the password. 4. Check your email for…
The 42nd Annual TRETA Conference on April 5-7, 2018 was held in Fort Worth, Texas had members in attendance representing Texas, Florida, and more! We had a fantastic conference this year hosted at the Worthington Renaissance Hotel in downtown Fort Worth. The hotel had a very interesting layout. As always we started the CREI update class…
The 41st Annual TRETA Conference held in Lakeway, Texas had members in attendance representing Texas, Florida, and more! I don’t think the TRETA Conference could have been any better this year! The location and weather were perfect. Lakeway Resort and Spa in Lakeway, Texas was fabulous. As always we offered the CREI update class on…
The 40th Annual TRETA Conference held in San Antonio, Texas had members in attendance representing Texas, Oklahoma, and more! Karen Nichols was President for 2015-2016. The 40th annual conference was held in San Antonio at the Marriott Plaza. The theme of the conference was “Unmasking the Highly Effective Teacher.” Henry Cisneros was the keynote speaker.…
39th Annual Conference ~ April 16, 17 & 18 The 39th Annual TRETA Conference was held at the beautiful Corpus Christi, Texas at the Omni Hotel Resort! We had members in attendance representing Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and more! Here’s what one member had to say: “My first trip to a TRETA Conference was going to…
We miss connecting with you between conferences. Join the Facebook group and stay in touch. Keep learning! See you there!
38th Annual Conference ~ April 24, 25 & 26 The 38th Annual TRETA Conference held in Richardson, Texas was a great success! We had members in attendance representing Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and more! The Thursday CREI Renewal workshop on Thursday was an excellent session where members learned about new technology for presenting in the classroom…
Interested in earning your Certified Real Estate Instructor (CREI) designation? At TRETA we want to help you become an effective presenter and facilitator of learning of Real Estate in the Classroom. We do this by offering two IDW (Instruction Development Workshops). Each workshop is 2 Basic IDW Workshop goal is to help you become an…
The responsibility to regulate RESPA was passed on to the Bureau from HUD which was responsible for the enforcement of RESPA for many years. HUD’s unwavering position statement has always been that charging unearned fees (in a real estate transaction) is Illegal as it violates Section 8 of RESPA. In May 2012, Freeman v Quicken…